Sunday, January 26, 2020

Determination of aspirin and caffeine

Determination of aspirin and caffeine Results: Identify and mark the signals in the spectra and note the chemical shift values of the methyl resonances in aspirin and caffeine and the methylene resonance in s-trioxane. Using above expression, calculate the weight of aspirin and caffeine in one tablet, and the percentage w/w of each component in one analgesic tablet. Whole tablet weighed = 0.501 Half tablet weighed = 0.270 Mass of s-trioxane = 0.05 RMM of aspirin = 180 RMM of caffeine = 194 RMM of s-trioxane = 90 No. of moles of components = component integral/no. of protons giving signal No. of moles of standard standard integral/ no. of protons giving signal To find out the weight and percentage w/w of Aspirin and Caffience following calculations were made: Aspirin: No of moles of components (x) = ? No of moles of standard = mass of s-trioxane / RMM of s-trioxane = 0.05 / 90 = 0.000555 Component integral = 202.72 No of protons giving signal = 3 Standard integral = 200 No of protons giving signal = 6 Putting values in the above eq.1: x / 0.000555 = (202.72/3) / (200/6) x/0.000555 = 67.57 / 33.33 x = 67.57 x 0.000555 / 33.33 x = 0.00113 moles Mass of aspirin = moles x RMM = 0.00113 x 180 = 0.203g = 203mg % w/w of aspirin in the tablet = mass of aspirin / mass of the tablet x 100 = 0.203 / 0.501 x 100 = 40.5% Caffeine: No of moles of components (x) = ? No of moles of standard = mass of s-trioxane / RMM of s-trioxane = 0.05 / 90 = 0.000555 Component integral = 14.0 No of protons giving signal = 3 Standard integral = 200 No of protons giving signal = 6 Putting values in the above eq.1: x / 0.000555 = (14.0/3) / (200/6) x/0.000555 = 4.66 / 33.33 x = 4.66 x 0.000555 / 33.33 x = 0.0000775 moles Mass of caffeine = moles x RMM = 0.000075 x 194 = 0.0145g = 14.5 mg % w/w of aspirin in the tablet = mass of aspirin / mass of the tablet x 100 = 0.0145 / 0.501 x 100 = 2.89% Discussion: Comment on the chemical shift positions of the methyl groups in aspirin and caffeine. Aspirin shows about 6 singlets in the spectrum, all in different environment. It has got one methyl group which gives rise to a singlet at ? 2.3498 as there are no neighbours and the n+1 rule is followed. It has integral of 3 as three protons are giving rise to the chemical shift at ? 2.3498. The four singlets between ? 7.1292 ? 8.1123 correspond to benzene ring protons. In aspirin there is a very broad singlet at ? 11.0082 due to the carbonyl next to hydroxyl proton which shifts it towards the left hand side. Caffeine has got three methyl groups which give rise to three singlets as all the three methyl groups are in different environments to each other. All the three peaks have integral of 3 which arises due to the three protons on each methyl groups. The first singlet at ? 3.4133 is due to the protons (a) next to nitrogen with single bond. The second singlet is seen at ? 3.5910 corresponding to protons(c) next to double bonded carbon and oxygen and the last methyl singlet (b) at ? 4.004 is due to the protons next to two double bonded oxygens attached to two carbons. There is also a singlet seen at ? 7.5172 that arises due to a single proton CH between two nitrogens. Compare your results to the contents claimed by the manufacturer and discuss any differences observed. How does this method compare with determinations by UV absorbance and HPLC. What are the NMR methods limitations? UV techniques are simple and rapid. It can be used for the quantitative determination of highly conjugated compounds and metal ions. Metal ions can be coloured and determined by UV. HPLC is a separation techniques used for compounds on basis of their rate of elution and can separate complex mixtures. HPLC analysis is very quick with high resolution. The stationary column can be used repeatedly for number of times. In HPLC analysis, automated instrumentation and quantitation can be used. It also has low sensitivity and accuracy. NMR is an expensive technique. Compared to UV and HPLC the instrumentation is more costly. The sample to be analyzed has to be free of any contaminants. It takes longer time as compared to the other techniques mentioned. In NMR the chemical shift corresponds to the structure of the molecule being analysed so for compounds with similar structures it is difficult to separate the signals. Also it is an insensitive technique. References:

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Ethics Paper †Abortion Debate Essay

The moral question on both sides of the abortion argument is when a fetus achieves personhood and is awarded moral status thus granting it rights. Does the fetus have a right to life at the use of the mother or does the mother’s choice for autonomy over her body take precedence over the fetus? How do we begin to answer this highly debated question and what conclusions can be made that have the most logical ethical answer? The difficulty in answering the issue of fetal personhood is that there is not one concrete indication of when that actually occurs in pregnancy. Pro- Life supports the position that personhood occurs immediately at conception thus granting the fetus full rights as a person born. In contrast Pro-Choice reinforces the mother’s rights to her own personhood and her choice to be autonomous from the fetus. The main ethical issue up for debate is whether society can infringe upon a person’s right to personal bodily security for the purpose to save the life of another. Should anyone or any entity force a person to give up their decision to do what they seem fit with their own body? How would that affect a woman’s right to her reproductive liberty? What precedents does that set forth for the future for women? IN SUPPORT OF PRO CHOICE The nature of abortion rights can be broken out into three different perspectives; the protection of unwanted social parenthood; the unwanted genetic parenthood and the right to bodily autonomy. (Manninen 36) The burdens of social parenthood weigh heavily on the woman who is forced to endure a pregnancy. These burdens can be detrimental to mental and physical health and psychological harm is likely to damage the child that is brought into a situation not fully embracing or prepared to care for its needs. Through abortion, a woman has the right to prevent the existence of a child with her genetic characteristics. It is an essential part of her overall reproductive liberty to have either the right to or the right not to conceive children. (Manninen 37) However, once a child is born, then it becomes a moral subject with its full entitlement to personhood and you cannot kill a child with your genetic characteristics or to avoid the responsibility of social parenting. Judith Jarvis Thomson’s thesis gives us a graphic description of a violinist who without your consent, is attached to you and relies upon you for his/her life. Are you morally obligated to submit to the unwanted bodily intrusion in order to support the life of another person? The clear answer to this question is â€Å"No.† A person is under no moral obligation whatsoever to use his body to sustain the life of another at the compromise of his own. The concept of forced violations of bodily autonomy is morally indefensible. This has nothing to do with the value of the fetus in general but the right not to be subject to the intrusion as the right to your body is exclusively yours. To make abortion illegal is to force pregnant women to surrender their own bodies to provide another human being all its needs for survival. Using Kantian moral philosophy, with specific attention to the second principle of the categorical imperative that describes using people as mere means to an end; aren’t the pregnant women being used? (Manninen 40) The women essentially become hosts to the fetuses and are used to cultivate life. How can the forced use of women’s bodies be a moral act? A blastocyst or a human zygote does not have the full characteristics of what human beings have. It cannot function on its own, communicate or have a consciousness attributed to it. It merely possesses the potential to form into personhood and ultimately a human life. If we cannot pinpoint the exactness of when a fetus achieves personhood, how can we correlate the crime of murder to something that hasn’t had a life? No actual person is harmed by having an abortion so there is no reason that the act in itself is morally bad. IN SUPPORT OF PRO LIFE Pro Life gains its understanding through what is commonly known as the substance view. This means that human life is valued for the type of thing it is from the moment of conception to its ultimate demise. Human beings are considered rational moral agents that are consistent with its original substance but possess capabilities that give it the ability to function. (Beckwith 33) Since human beings are considered living organisms, as substances they maintain their identity throughout the process of their life regardless of the physical changes that occur. Thus human beings are always considered persons because of their potential to develop abilities. In addition, humans are also considered persons even if the potential never actualizes because their overall substance. (Beckwith 36) The substance theory extends not only to the unborn fetus, but to other humans who for whatever reason are prevented from exercising their capabilities as a functioning person. These types of persons have similar parallels to the unborn because they have achieved personhood and full moral status simply because of being human. The rationale behind the substance theory is if it is permissible to kill the unborn fetus then it is equally permissible to kill a person unable to exercise their capabilities as a functioning person. Thus abortion is morally wrong. Another argument in the abortion debate is the precise moment when personhood is achieved. The Pro-Life position stems from the moment of conception because the zygote contains all of the chromosomes for human life. Some of the chromosomes have not been used yet since human life is in its beginning stages and does not require all of them at this time. However, the zygote contains all of the chromosomes and or genetic instructions to form a human’s physical, psychological, emotional, needs from the moment of conception. In addition to the scientific perspective to the pro-life position is the religious perspective that a higher power, God, created all life and humans do not have a right to take the power of God in their hands and destroy it. People who have this theory base it off the teachings of Scripture contained within the Bible. An example passage is: Psalm 139 again makes clear that the fetus (unborn baby) is a human whom God loves. And God told the prophet Jeremiah, â€Å"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.† (Jeremiah 1:5). God had plans for Jeremiah even while he was in his mother’s womb. Pro-life supporters interpret these biblical passages to be God’s direct and absolute view of the validity when human life begins thus giving a Divine definite determination that personhood is achieved at conception. Therefore since the fetus is considered a person, abortion is considered murdering a person and is ultimately wrong in the eyes of God. MY POSITION When it comes to the topic of Abortion, my views align with the moderate view. I neither condemn nor condone abortion but my belief aligns itself with the reasoning that a woman has a right to choose what happens in her own individual body. The mother’s rights to autonomy must be preserved at all costs. No woman should be forced to surrender her body in order to provide another human being its needs to survive. Without this fundamental protection securely in place, it sets a dangerous precedent for the abuse of women. It can be argued that if a woman must give up her body to sustain the life of another when it comes to reproductive rights, what about the means of other bodily rights such as organ donation, bone marrow extraction and other harvesting means? To reverse the pro-choice decision is reducing women from being independent beings to being merely hosts and have less rights then the potential for a human has. In addition, no woman should be forced to continue with a pregnancy she does not want, can cause her medical harm, or is a result of a violent crime. The physical and psychological damage that can be inflicted from forcing women to continue with unwanted pregnancies is too horrible to consider. As a mother to three children, I certainly do know the varying physical changes as a result of pregnancy. I can say that with my first child, I hardly noticed that I was pregnant. I did not experience any negative side effects and continued with my daily activities as if nothing ever happened. It wasn’t until I was able to hear the heart beat or see the fetus on the ultrasound screen did the potential for the pregnancy became real for me. I use the word potential because until the child is born, many things can go wrong with the pregnancy resulting in natural miscarriage. There has to be a certain environment with favorable variables for a pregnancy to progress into a full born infant. Science does not have the capability to determine if a pregnancy will be 100% successful but it does give a great success probability. As such, it was important for me to keep in perspective that although I was deemed pregnant with a child, that child is not fully realized until it is born and I am holding it in my hand. If, for whatever reason a woman chooses not to continue with her pregnancy, then I believe it ideally would be best to perform the abortion as early as possible most certainly before 12 weeks. There are many tests that can be performed to detect if the fetus has any genetic defects that could affect its overall life. Plus the timeframe is more than sufficient to personally determine if the pregnancy should continue. My choice for a timeframe has nothing to do with the determination of when a fetus achieves personhood with moral status, but more of a compassionate opinion in that by aborting earlier, the mother doesn’t develop a strong attachment to the potential of the fetus. My opinion does not mean to allow for a woman to use an abortion as a means to birth control. I believe that since a woman has the reproductive capability to cultivate potential life, with that capability encompasses a tremendous amount of responsibility. There should be available and economical birth control measures put in place to prevent the abortion procedure entirely. Abortion should be used as a last measure towards preventing an unwanted pregnancy. RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS Since the early 1980s, groups opposed to abortion have attempted to document the existence of â€Å"post-abortion syndrome,† which they claim has traits similar to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) demonstrated by some war veterans. In 1989, the American Psychological Association (APA) convened a panel of psychologists with extensive experience in this field to review the data. They reported that the studies with the most scientifically rigorous research designs consistently found no trace of â€Å"post-abortion syndrome† and furthermore, that no such syndrome is scientifically or medically recognized.[1] The panel concluded that â€Å"research with diverse samples, different measures of response and different times of assessment have come to similar conclusions. The time of greatest distress is likely to be before the abortion. Severe negative reactions after abortions are rare and can best be understood in the framework of coping with normal life stress.†[2] While some women may experience sensations of regret, sadness or guilt after an abortion, the overwhelming responses are relief and happiness.[3] In another study, researchers surveyed a national sample of 5,295 women, not all of whom had had abortions, and many of whom had abortions between 1979 and 1987, the time they were involved in the study. The researchers were able to learn about women’s emotional well-being both before and after they had abortions. They concluded at the end of the eight-year study that the most important predictor of emotional well-being in post-abortion women was their well-being before the abortion. Women who had high self-esteem before an abortion would be most likely to have high self-esteem after an abortion, regardless of how many years passed since the abortion.[4] Psychological responses to abortion must also be considered in comparison to the psychological impact of alternatives for resolving an unwanted pregnancy (adoption or becoming a parent). While there has been little scientific research about the psychological consequences of adoption, researchers speculate that it is likely â€Å"that the psychological risks for adoption are higher for women than those for abortion because they reflect different types of stress. Stress associated with abortion is acute stress, typically ending with the procedure. With adoption, as with unwanted childbearing, however, the stress may be chronic for women who continue to worry about the fate of the child.†[5] (Abortion Myths) ETHICAL POSITION CONSISTENT WITH MY PERSONAL POSITION I believe that my ethical position is in agreement with Judith Jarvis Thomson’s Feminism perspective in support of the rights of the mother over the rights of the fetus. She brilliantly explains in a rational and logical way that the mother deserves her status of personhood and bodily autonomy over that of the fetus. The only entitlement that the fetus has is the claim over its own body and not the mothers. â€Å"The pregnant woman owes no such duty to the fetus, unless she has affirmatively assumed the responsibility of carrying it to term, in which case she has assumed duty to avoid harming that fetus. Until that point, however, there is no duty, and the pregnant woman cannot be said to have breached a duty by aborting the fetus.† (Flicker 2) [pic] Since women posses the exclusive right to cultivate a potential life inside their bodies, it deems an increased level of responsibility to protect the possibility of that happening. Thompson thus argued that if a woman takes reasonable steps to avoid pregnancy she should not be held responsible for the pregnancy, and has the right to choose and have an abortion. I believe that to be true as well. With all the options for contraception available to women, responsible methods can be used for the prevention of pregnancy. Since nothing but abstinence is 100% effective and women are entitled to enjoy the healthy aspects of sexual intercourse, if an unwanted pregnancy does occur and responsible measures failed to prevent the pregnancy, then a woman is absolutely entitled to make informed decisions about the use of her own body and chose abortion. My perspective also coincides with Preference Utilitarianism which defines the moral course of action is the one that results in the most preference satisfaction. With regards to abortion, fetuses do not possess the ability for preferences, therefore only the mothers have that ability thus their rights to personhood and bodily autonomy outweight the interest of the fetus. Thus abortion is morally allowable. WORKS CITED Manninen, Bertha Alvarez. â€Å"Rethinking Roe V. Wade: Defending The Abortion Right In The Face Of Contemporary Opposition.† American Journal Of Bioethics 10.12 (2010): 33-46. Academic Search Premier. Web. 26 June 2012. Beckwith, Francis J. â€Å"The Explanatory Power Of The Substance View Of Persons.† Christian Bioethics: Non-Ecumenical Studies In Medical Morality 10.1 (2004): 33-54. Academic Search Premier. Web. 26 June 2012. Thomson, Judith J. â€Å"A Defense of Abortion, â€Å"From Philosophy & Public Affairs, vol. 1, no. 1 (Fall 1971): 47-66 Copyright  © 1971 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Reproduced by permission of Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Flicker, Lauren Sydney. â€Å"Pregnancy Is Not A Crime.† American Journal Of Bioethics 10.12 (2010): 54-55. Academic Search Premier. Web. 26 June 2012. The Holy Bible, New International Version. Worldwide: Biblicia, 2011. Print â€Å"Abortion Myths.† National Abortion Federation, n.p. 2010 Web. 26 June 2012. ———————– [1] American Psychological Association. â€Å"APA research review finds no evidence of ‘post-abortion syndrome’ but research studies on psychological effects of abortion inconclusive.† Press release, January 18, 1989. [2] Adler NE, et al. â€Å"Psychological responses after abortion.† Science, April 1990, 248: 41-44. [3] Adler NE, et al. â€Å"Psychological factors in abortion: a review.† American Psychologist, 1992, 47(10): 1194-1204. [4] Russo NF, Zierk KL. â€Å"Abortion, childbearing, and women’s well-being.† Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 1992, 23(4): 269-280. [5] Russo NF. â€Å"Psychologicalaspects of unwanted pregnancy and its resolution.† In J.D. Butler and D.F. Walbert (eds.), Abortion, Medicine, and the Law (4th Ed., pp. 593-626). New York: Facts on File, 1992.

Friday, January 10, 2020

What You Must Know About Common Essay Topics List and Why

What You Must Know About Common Essay Topics List and Why A Startling Fact about Common Essay Topics List Uncovered Unfortunately, stumbling in the TMI zone of essay topics is more prevalent than you believe. More important is to select an essay topic that you're going to be interested in writing with passion. This essay topic is a huge chance for humor. Then your helper will begin to compose an assignment for you. The Basic Facts of Common Essay Topics List The standard of your topic will find out the grading of the paper. Tell us a topic that you've changed your head on in the last three years. Chemistry is a subject which, basically, supplies you with useful information concerning the different substances or kinds of materials that compose the physical world around us and the way in which they behave or react with one another. Bear in mind, in addition, there are discounts available when purchasing all 3 e-books and free shipping when purchasing all three text books. W hat You Can Do About Common Essay Topics List Beginning in the Next Seven Minutes Attempt to conclude with an illustration of the way the failure improved the manner in which you deal with similar situations now. Therefore, if you begin with a terrible topic, not only will you wind up with a poor essay, but you risk ruining the very good impression that the remainder of your application makes. Some students utilize the very first idea that arrives in their head and work on it, but the outcome isn't successful. New Ideas Into Common Essay Topics List Never Before Revealed Students don't need to write about a significant turning point in their essay, Soule states. They know how to be creative. Individual schools sometimes need supplemental essays. Colleges can tell whenever your essay is only a form essay. Type of Common Essay Topics List Colleges are seeking a feeling of maturity and introspectionpinpoint the transformation and demonstrate your private growth. They want to get to know more about you. They are not looking for perfect people. They are more likely to admit students who can articulate specific reasons why the school is a good fit for them beyond its reputation or ranking on any list. An admissions officer is significantly more likely to bear in mind an applicant who has a rather specific essay written in a distinctive and quirky way. Resumes won't be considered. Even in the event the deadline is very tight, feel free to get hold of our managers. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about a coming deadline. Pick a distinctive topic that others may not think of, and whatever you select, make sure that you know a lot about it! Most people have a challenging time checking over their very own work. It all starts with the proper topic that simultaneously shows your capacity to write well while painting an image of who you are in an easy and authentic fashion. Quit trying to be this funny. Your stories aren't debatable. So, it's a significant foundation for assorted epic stories! When you're writing about yourself, make sure you include words that explain the emotions you're feeling at various portions of the story. At times, even when you're writing about an interesting, relevant subject, you can nonetheless look immature or unready for college life on account of the manner in which you present that topic the way you really write your own personal statement. Application essays about challenges reveal how you respond to difficulty to folks who are really interested in how you are going to deal with the subsequent four years all on your own. In the event the matter is personal, that's simple to do. Seek advice fr om your teacher if you have any suspicions about this issue you have decided on. Someone reading the title should identify issues that'll be covered. The Chronicles of Common Essay Topics List Human life is related to the immaterial world. Relationship Human life is related to the physical, as it's the stage upon which life occurs. Consider the experience that you would like to write about. Inside this essay, pick a time which you were able to follow experiences and perspectives contrary to yours with respect and maturity. Choose your writing service today and request some academic assistance when you want it. What you should do is to fill out the purchase form, make a payment, and in a couple minutes, you will receive your individual essay helper. The internet application provides somewhere to list six honors and awards in addition to six activities. Whatever paper you've assigned, there's an expert service which can enable you to craft it.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Othello - Iago - 2748 Words

Unequivocally, Iago plays an important and major function in the tragedy of Othello. By the end of the play, Iago has been directly responsible for the deaths of Roderigo, Emilia and the protagonist and his love. Iagos importance to the play is revealed by his contribution to the plot and his significance relative to other characters. Iagos function, which invariably adds to the importance he has on the play, is to lead to the downfall of Othello therefore revealing the themes of hate, jealousy and revenge. Iago also serves to contrast with the characters of Othello and Desdemona and to create dramatic irony consequently involving the audience in the journey of the play. The foundation of his success has been built upon his honest†¦show more content†¦This would suggest that this is a fundamental characteristic of his. However, Iago does strive to appear honest and sincere. If I shall stay [with Roderigo] I shall- against the Moor. This is also seen when he defends Cassio a fter the drunken brawl. Iago speaks with hesitation and refers to Cassio being a friend several times. I had rather have this tongue cut out from my mouth than it should do offence to Cassio. This appearance allows him to gain favour with all characters, especially those of Cassio and Othello, allowing him to influence them. The success of Iagos deceptive honesty is most clearly seen in the final scene of the play in which the truth of his dishonesty is revealed. So successful was Iagos scheme that Othello can only think that Iago must have been a devil. I look down towards his feet- butÂ… If that thou best a devil, I cannot kill thee. Even when on stage, Iago appears to have an overriding dominance over the other characters. In Act 3 sn iii, in which Othello asks Iago to kneel next to him and make a pact in order to destroy Cassio and Desdemona, we cannot but notice the power Iago evokes in Othello. Do not rise yet, Iago cries, I am yours forever. Also Iagos dominance over Othello is seen in Act 4 sn I where Othello has fallen into a trance. The audience look on with pity as Iago says, Thus do credulous fools are caught. On stage this would be a powerful scene in which Iago finally subdues Othello. IagoShow MoreRelatedIago Quotes In Othello1008 Words   |  5 Pagescareful who you trust, the devil was once an angel.† (Unknown). Honest Iago, good Iago, many names for the character who created so much chaos throughout Shakespeare’s classic tragedy Othello. Iago manipulated everyone; he went out of his way to destroy Othello’s relationships with Desdemona, take everything from Rodrigo, and the effort to destroy Cassio. Othello had much respect towards Iago and put much trust into him. Iago was very good a hiding his true intentions to take down Othello’s relationshipRead MoreIago the Machiavellian in Othello1420 Words   |  6 Pagesto suspect the nefarious motives of their enemies. In this tragedy, Othello, Shakespeare has created a villain who behaves in this manner. Iago’s hatred, method of revenge, and vengeful hatred are the reasons of the lives lost in this play and the reasons that lead to Iago’s downfall. Iago’s hatred of Othello and Cassio causes him to seek revenge and he is able to succeed because his victims are too innocent to suspect him. Iago is a Machiavellian Shakespearean character who cunningly convincesRead MoreAnalysis Of Othello And Iago 1463 Words   |  6 Pagesof the world. However, in spite of noble intentions, this â€Å"hero† ends up causing much more harm then needed because he is not self-aware and has a different perspective than everyone else. In the play Othello many characters have the same issue with perspective and self-awareness. Othello and Iago are the two main characters that allow their views on themselves to take control over their actions without their awareness. There is a tragic ending to this play and it was all because of differing perspectivesRead MoreOthello: Iago the Outsider1794 Words   |  8 Pagesdark theme there always must be an outsider from humanity who somehow stands out from the seemingly equal community. In the ca se of Shakespeares Othello the outsider from humanity would be Iago for he truly stands out from the rest of society. Although Othello may be physically put out of the community, it seems that on an emotional and egotistical level Iago puts himself out of society further then Othellos blackness does. He is not merely manipulative, as other villains are; he turns aspects of truthRead MoreEssay about Iago Of Othello709 Words   |  3 PagesIago of Othello What makes a good villain? What qualities make one villain stand out from another? Is it their demeanor, ruthlessness, or the methods that they employ to accomplish their tasks? In any case, a great villain must leave the reader with a respect for their methods and a question about their motives. In Shakespeares Othello, there is one character in Iago that fulfills all of these qualifications. Iago is a wonderful villain because he gains others trust, relentlessly takes advantageRead More Iago in Shakespeares Othello Essay1128 Words   |  5 PagesIago in Othello  Ã‚      In William Shakespeare’s tragic drama Othello we see a morally depraved character, perhaps a very mentally sick individual, named Iago. His personality and development during the play is the subject of this essay. In Shakespeare’s Four Giants Blanche Coles comments on the mental illness that appears to afflict the despicable Iago: When such old time critics as H. N. Hudson, who wrote nearly a hundred years ago, saw that Iago was not acting from revenge, one is moreRead MoreIago in Shakespeares Othello Essay1381 Words   |  6 PagesShakespeares Othello is a remarkable tale of trust, deceitfulness, lust and the most destructive of human emotions: vengeance and hatred. Iago better known as Othellos antagonist embodies vengeance and hatred to move an agenda to squash all who oppose Iagos plans. As defined by Merrium-Webster the definition of a protagonist is a principal character in a literary work or a leading actor, character, or participant in a literary work. Othello by Shakespeare is a play about Othello an example ofRead MoreEssay on The Evil Iago of Othello603 Words   |  3 Pagessimple community. In the play Othello, the simple ancient, Iago is very successful at his schemes. Iago is able to get the trust of everyone around him, and to appear honest. He is also driven to continue with his schemes and to never quite. From the first scene of the play to the last, Iago is able to be trusted by everyone. This is one of the many reasons why Iago is so successful in his schemes, he is always trusted. In the first scene of the play we learn that Iago is helping Roderigo, win theRead More Shakespeares Othello - There Would be No Othello Without Iago1093 Words   |  5 Pageswould be No Othello without Iagonbsp;nbsp; nbsp; Though the name of the play written by William Shakespeare is called Othello, the character Othello is not the main character, but rather Iago is. Iago is the character who drives the play, he is the one who makes things happen. Without his greed and hated, there would be no play at all. The whole play is centered around Iagos revenge and in doing so, he is willing to make other peoples lives miserable. Through Othello, Iago uses the otherRead MoreIago s Revenge On Othello1119 Words   |  5 PagesWoodson English 1302 24 October 2017 Iago’s Revenge Othello is tragedy by William Shakespeare, in which Iago tries to manipulate most of the character of the play to get revenge on Othello because Othello promotes younger man Cassio instead of Iago in a military post. The whole story is roaming around Iago, because he uses all the character to get what he wants. He does not care about others feeling, all he cares about is succeeding in his plan. Iago wants to take revenge on Othello’s life and marriage